Posted in Creative Writing, Keep Moving: Motivation and Inspiration, Mental Health, Reflection, Self-Talk

The Whispers of my Intuition

Learning to listen to the whispers of my intuition.

The more I quiet my mind, the louder it becomes.

It’s gentle and soft.

A teacher.

Each lesson allowing the seeds of self-confidence to blossom.

Unlike my ego thoughts, my intuition is quiet, kind, and gentle. If I’m not listening, I can’t hear when it’s giving me directions and guiding me through my day. I’m learning what the voice of my intuition sounds like and how it feels to pay attention. When I allow my intuitive thoughts to lead, my confidence naturally follows.

Affirmation: I trust myself and my intuition. I know who I am.

What does it feel like for you to follow your intuition? How do you know when your intuition is trying to tell you something?

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