Writing Therapy

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Writing has been my hobby for a long time, as long as I’ve known how to write, but recently I’ve used writing to document thoughts that I wouldn’t be able to express otherwise. Thoughts that only go in circles in my head. Social media and blogging has given me the opportunity to journal and express, to rant and to vent, to motivate and inspire even if it’s just me reading it. I’m able to turn negativity into positive analysis and entries as I write about my life and my thoughts. To talk to myself. To convince myself that I will get through whatever it is I’m writing about. Writing is my therapy.

Like drawing and dancing and all of those amazing art forms, writing can sooth and be therapeutic. Without constraints or criticism, writing can be your way out of your own head. It can help you get out of depressive cycles or anxiety, and other things that go on silently. Write anywhere, on your phone, a piece of paper, social media, memos, anywhere where writing is accessible.

Writing has saved my mind many times. Writing is individual and intimate. No need for good grammar or rules, no need to struggle trying to find the right person to trust or vent to, you are the writer. Writing is you and yourself. It can help you to organize your thoughts and try to figure out life. Writing can be your company. You can learn to love yourself through your writing. Writing makes the infinite finite so you can deal with what’s happening around you.

Just write and you will begin to be more and more comfortable with your own mind and thoughts.

Writing therapy saves me every day.