Posted in Events, Keep Moving: Motivation and Inspiration, Mental Health, Self-Care

NAMI-NYC Virtual Expressive Arts Workshop Event: Back In My Day

So very excited to announce the NAMI-NYC Expressive Arts workshop event I will be hosting this Saturday! This event will be via Zoom and on the NAMI-NYC website. You can find the link here. Click the Expressive Arts Zoom link for May 25th on the day of the workshop.

IMPORTANT: This Expressive Arts workshop and the ones following this one are from 2:00 pm – 3:30 pm!

If you have any questions or concerns feel free to send me an email 💟. The time of the event is in Eastern Standard Time.

*I will share any updates or changes and keep everyone posted.

Here are some details for the event:

Back In My Day

“Back In My Day” is a creative, reflective, and fun event where we will draw, write, and reflect about what we enjoyed growing up and how we think about it today. Starting with an ice breaker, we will sketch an image and introduce ourselves to the group. The main activity will then be to pick one of three activities. The first activity will be to draw or write a favorites list of what you enjoyed or were interested in when you were growing up, the second activity will be to write a descriptive poem about an item or accessory you couldn’t live without or you were excited to have as a child or teen, and the third activity will be to write a how-to guide to your younger self showing them how to navigate a hardship or challenge you overcame. Lastly, we will close by sharing our works of art.

Paper, writing utensils (pen, pencil, markers, or crayons).

2:00 – 2:20: Introductions and Ice breaker
2:20 – 3:00: Main Activity
3:00 – 3:30: Sharing and Closing

Hope to see you there!

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