Posted in Keep Moving: Motivation and Inspiration, Mental Health, Reflection, Self-Care, The Mighty, The Pencil Case on The Mighty

Pencil Case Prompts: Moments of Relief

Share a moment where you experienced relief.

I’ll be honest 😔, I haven’t been feeling the greatest. Navigating life has been weighing on me and I would really like to catch a break. I haven’t written anything in a long time, so I’d like to reflect with my sparkly fam today 🩷.

For our reflection, let’s explore the moments where we’ve experienced relief (even if only temporarily). What does relief feel like to you? What makes those moments important?

For me, I’ve experienced relief when I don’t have as many responsibilities and I can sit in my room and relax. Knowing I can prioritize my self-care helps me to feel more free in myself.

Share your moments below 💌!

You can also find this prompt in The Pencil Case on The Mighty here.

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