Posted in Mental Health, Self-Care, The Mighty, The Pencil Case on The Mighty

Pencil Case Prompts: Your Health and Seasonal Changes

How do seasonal changes affect your health?

Whether it’s the transition from fall to winter, winter to spring, or spring to summer, the changes in seasons seem to always affect me in different ways 🤔. I definitely notice a change in my mood, thoughts, and motivation for sure. I even notice sometimes I have a persistent low mood in the hotter months sometimes too, but I’m more inclined to go outside for a walk.

What are your thoughts and experiences? How do the seasons affect you and your mental and/or physical health?

You can also find this prompt in The Pencil Case on The Mighty here!

Posted in The Mighty, The Pencil Case on The Mighty

Pencil Case Prompt: Happy New Year!

Happy New Year, Sparkly family! Let’s continue to journey together in 2024 💌.

Here’s a final reflection prompt for the year 🙂:

If you created your own “Happy New Year” holiday card, what message or gift would you add inside of it?

I’ll go first!

I would write the message, “Congratulations, you’ve successfully passed to the next level!” and add a gift card with an unlimited amount of hugs in it 🥹🥳.

What would you add inside your card?

Feel free to also find this prompt in The Pencil Case on The Mighty here.

Posted in Keep Moving: Motivation and Inspiration, Mental Health, Self-Care, Self-Talk, The Mighty, The Pencil Case on The Mighty

Pencil Case Prompts and Reflections: Overcoming Challenges and What’s Keep Us Going

What’s a challenge you’re working to overcome?

Let’s talk a bit about some challenges we’re being faced with and the ways we are managing, navigating, and/or overcoming them (whatever that looks like!).

A challenge I’m working to overcome is motivating myself to be more active, go out, and open myself up to new opportunities. A theme I’ve noticed this year overall in terms of my self-care and growth is gaining enough confidence in myself to do things out of my comfort zone. I know that I have some fears of the unknown, so I’m being patient with myself as I explore new and different possibilities.

What about you?

You can also find this prompt here in The Pencil Case on The Mighty!

What’s keeping you going right now?

With all that’s happening in the world and with all the challenges we are faced with (holiday depression, anyone?), I want to say I’m super proud of each and every one of you who may be also experiencing challenges, too (including myself 🙂).

Today, let’s share what’s keeping us going! Hope is healing, right?

I’ll go first!

My family and my passion to continue sharing my story are what’s keeping me going right now.

You can also find this prompt here in The Pencil Case on The Mighty!

Posted in Mental Health, Reflection, The Mighty, The Pencil Case on The Mighty

Reflections, Activities, and Updates: Mindfulness, Breaks, and Having Fun

Here’s a 2-step mindful moment for your day!

When you come across this post, I invite you take this 2-step mindful moment with me:

Step 1: Pause for a second and scoop up the moment just for you — you deserve it. Close your eyes, put your hand to your chest (if you can), and take one big deep breath.

Step 2: List two or three things you need from yourself today.

⭐ Note: Feel free to write your list in the comments below! ⭐️

Here is my list:

Two things I need from myself today: patience in allowing myself to process my emotions fully, and permission to complete my work and responsibilities at a pace that’s most comfortable for me.

You can also find this prompt here in The Pencil Case on The Mighty!

What’s something you could use a break from?

Do you know what I could use right now? A break 😫. Especially from my ruminating thoughts and pile of responsibilities. Today, I definitely need to take a moment to recollect myself, ugh 🥹.

Is there anything you could use a break from?

You can also find this prompt here in The Pencil Case on The Mighty as well!

What’s something fun you can do between now and the end of the year?

Lately it’s been really important for me to do things that I enjoy, especially since my depression has been at an all-time high, and I’m trying my absolute hardest not to let my low feelings consume my sense of adventure and fulfillment.

In order to get on top of my self-care, I’ve been brainstorming some things I can do for the remainder of 2023 that’ll help me feel a bit better about myself.

Here is my list of things I plan to do:

🍎 Go apple picking with my family
🥬 Go to a new vegan restaurant
📅 Take myself on a date once a month and buy myself something nice
💎 Find and go to a new crystal store I can explore

What about you?

This prompt can also be found in the Self-Care Lounge group on The Mighty here!

Posted in Keep Moving: Motivation and Inspiration, Mental Health, Reflection, Self-Care, The Mighty, The Pencil Case on The Mighty

Pencil Case Reflection Prompts: Exploring What “Healthy” Means and Things To Look Forward To


What does “healthy” look like for you?

We all experience health, from how we take care of our bodies or manage our health symptoms/conditions, to the decisions we make in our life and how we maintain a state of well-being — physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually, and socially. This, of course, looks different for all of us since we’re all unique and have different experiences.

My Reflection

To me, “healthy” means and looks like knowing where my limits are and feeling good in my body. Health for me also looks like understanding myself and allowing myself to feel my feelings, always being mindful of how much sleep I’m getting, and knowing how and when to ask for help.

What about you? What does “healthy” look like for you?

Find this prompt here in The Pencil Case on The Mighty!


Finish this sentence: I’m looking forward to _________.

My Reflection

Guess what?!

I don’t really get the opportunity to go out to big events much, but I’m going to an NF concert (who I absolutely love) and I’m super excited! I’ve been looking forward to this for months and it’s finally here 😁🙌. Yay me!

What’s something you’re looking forward to? 👀

Let’s cheer each other on in the comments below! 🥳💃

Find this prompt here in The Pencil Case on The Mighty!

Posted in Mental Health, Self-Care, The Mighty, The Pencil Case on The Mighty

Pencil Case Prompts: Mental Health Check-In


How would you describe your week so far?

How has everyone’s week been?

My Reflection

For me, I would describe my week as busy. I also haven’t been feeling too well with all that’s going on. I’m doing my absolute best, though! 💪😌

You can also find this post here in The Pencil Case on The Mighty!


Finish this sentence: Today, my best looks like _______________.

We did it! We made it through half the week like the champions we are 🙌.

Let’s reflect on what our best looks like today, whether that be checking things off our to-do lists, working, studying, or simply existing.

My Reflection

I’ll share first!

Today, my best looks like finishing up my work in the morning and taking time out to simply be for the remainder of the day, relieving myself of any expectations and worries.

You can also find this post here in The Pencil Case on The Mighty!

Posted in Keep Moving: Motivation and Inspiration, Mental Health, Self-Care, Self-Talk, The Mighty, The Pencil Case on The Mighty

Pencil Case Journaling Prompts: Self-Talk

Activity Prompt

What words would you like to use more of when talking about (or to) yourself?

My Reflection

In the early days of my recovery journey, the first thing a counselor said to me was, “Do you realize how you speak to yourself? Would you speak to someone you love the same way you speak to yourself?” Let’s just say my answer was an automatic “no.” This sparked a change in my perspective and from that point on, I became more aware of my inner dialogue and the words I use to communicate with myself.

Since then, the words I make sure I use in my “self-care and self-love dialogue” are “I deserve…” “I’m allowed to…” and “help.” I’m learning to be more kind to myself.

What about you? What words would you like to use more of?

You can also find this prompt here in The Pencil Case on The Mighty!

Posted in Mental Health, Self-Care, Self-Talk, The Mighty, The Pencil Case on The Mighty

Mighty Reflections: Things that Matter, Getting Out of Your Comfort Zone, and Building Self-Confidence


What matters to you the most right now?

For today’s reflection prompt, let’s think about the things we find important.

My Reflection

Here is my list:

🧠 My mental health
🧘 My peace of mind
👪 Family and friends
💕 Spreading love to others
🦋 Taking one moment at a time
💵 Paying attention to my finances
🌹Healing my inner child and going to therapy
🥙🚰 Making sure I’m eating enough and drinking water
❤️ My Mighty work!

What’s on your list?

You can also find this prompt in The Pencil Case on The Mighty here.


What’s one thing you can do outside your comfort zone that will benefit you in your health journey this month? 

My Reflection

As I walk in my recovery journey, I often find myself at a crossroads with my comfort zone. On one hand, I find myself choosing what’s most familiar to me because it easier to access, but on the other hand I know that change and new habits can benefit my growth, especially when it comes to self-care and consistency 🤔.

Something I’m trying that I know will benefit me and my mental health —and is out of my comfort zone — is reaching out and talking to someone when I catch myself overthinking. It’s so easy for me to go hours feeling overwhelmed when I know it would be helpful to talk out my concerns with someone else.

What about you? What can you do outside your comfort zone that will benefit your journey?

You can also find this prompt in The Self-Care Lounge on The Mighty here.


What helps you boost your self-confidence when you’re feeling down? 

My Reflection

March felt like such a long month for me 😩. My thoughts have been racing for the longest time. I think it’s time for me to prioritize some self-care that’ll boost my self-confidence. 

What usually helps me the most is getting my eyebrows done, getting dressed up, and taking myself out on a solo date. I’ll make sure to add that to my to-do list right away 📆✍️.

What about you? What do you do to help boost your self-confidence? 

You can also find this prompt in The No Shame group on The Mighty here.

Posted in Keep Moving: Motivation and Inspiration, Mental Health, Reflection, Self-Care, The Mighty, The Pencil Case on The Mighty

Mighty Reflection Prompts: Feel-Good Moments and Mindful Releases


What was the last thing you did for yourself or someone else that made you feel good?

Let’s share some feel-good moments with one another!

My Reflection

The last thing I did for myself that made me feel good was make myself tea and allow myself time to be proud of myself for completing all of my tasks for the week. Checking off that last to-do on Friday to enjoy my weekend felt so good!

You can also find this prompt in The Pencil Case on The Mighty here.


Finish this sentence: I release the need to _________. 

Let’s take some deep breaths and release what’s been keeping us from moving forward. 

My Reflection

I release the need to know what will happen next in my life and welcome each moment as it comes. I am on the right path.

Feel free to also check out this post in the Check In With Me group on The Mighty here.

Posted in Keep Moving: Motivation and Inspiration, Mental Health, Self-Care, The Mighty, The Pencil Case on The Mighty

Pencil Case Prompts: Pick a flame! 🔥


What flame do you want to ignite within yourself more? What are you working on getting better at?

🔵🔥 Blue Flame: Confidence

🌕🔥 Yellow Flame: Self-awareness

🔶🔥 Orange Flame: Creativity/self-expression

🔴🔥 Red Flame: Self-advocacy/standing up for yourself

Note: Feel free to also choose your own flames in the comments below!

My Reflection

I choose all four flames! I want to continue working on my growth overall, especially when it comes to my relationships, creativity, and career. I also want to work on being confident in my decisions and staying true to my intuition.

You can also find this prompt here in The Pencil Case on The Mighty.